Bible Study
A pop-up Bible study is available on our private Facebook page. What’s a pop-up? Just like a pop quiz, you never know when they are coming. Each month, Felicia, Alice, and I discuss a book of the Bible with a 15-minute video and some written study questions each day for around five days. You can pop in whenever your schedule permits. You could listen to us discuss on the way to work or to drop your kids off at school. You could have a little quiet time alone and listen in. You could read the post and join in the discussion questions. We’d love to have you. We can be found at “Connections, Christ, Coffee” as a private group. Join us for learning and laughter.
In January, we began exploring the book of Numbers. The material stays published in the group so that you can check out our different discussions. Grab some coffee and enjoy.
Let’s get in the Word together. You can contact me on my personal Facebook page, Carol Ogle McCracken, or you can click my Facebook or Instagram links below.
Felicia, Alice, and Carol at a chilly outdoor venue in Destin taking in Zach Williams…don’t judge, a girl’s gotta eat, right? Yes, everyone coveted our spread.